Thursday, 3 January 2002

The Queens Park Dog Park ROLL OF HONOUR

Very grateful acknowledgement is made to the many people and their dogs for kindly having donated plastic poo bags and/or money to purchase same. The dogs visiting Queens Park, their owners and the Park users in general are indebted to your valiant acts of generosity!

(If you have made a donation and have yet to be acknowleded, or wish to donate poo bags, please contact the parkzombie, who maintains this list.)



Owner of Loki kindly donated R100


Gunnar and Moira kindly donated 2x bags


Owner of Lilly-Rose

Gunnar and Moira, owners of Alli and Will (and other dogs who must be recorded) have made substantial donations

Primary acknowledgement is made to Delilah, owner of Maximus, who started the poo bag collection scheme in the first place. She arranged for the delivery of scores of plastic bag rolls!

Special mention also goes to those brave people who selflessly collect other people's dog's poo! This unlovely task is sometimes necessary.

We also acknowledge the many kind anonymous folk who, over the years, have left spare plastic bags in the plastic bag dispenser in the Dog Park.