Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Who can visit Queens Park?

A: Basically anyone, provided they abide by the regulations.

Q: When is Queens Park open?

A: That depends on where you want to be in the park. The Soccer Field is always unlocked (but often in use in the evenings and on weekends by the Soccer Club). The Play Park and Dog Park are opened early in the morning, and then locked as it gets dark (the actual time of this depends on the seasons). Details on the Access Page.

Q: Why are some areas of Queens Park locked at nght?

A: For reasons of security, and at the request of City Council. It's a pity to have to restrict access to public open spaces, but the area has had a history of problems when the area is open after dark. Specifically:
For examples of these - just look beyond the boundaries of Queens Park in some nearby areas, which suffer from the above problems!

Q: Can I walk my dog/s on the Queens Park Sports Field?

A: The Soccer Club, who lease the Sports Field from City Council, would prefer it if you didn't. This is because some people walk their dogs there and selfishly don't collect their dogs' dog poo! This is both a tactical (!) and health hazard for Soccer players. However, Queens Park Sports Field is a facility for everyone, and the Sports Field is not in use 24 hours a day by the Soccer Club. Common sense and courtesy suggest that dog owners keep their dogs off the Sports Field when practises and matches are taking place, and that ANY dog poo encountered be picked up. Dog owners need to convince the Soccer Club that they are an asset, not a liability.