Sadly, anti-social elements work to degrade these facilities, from time to time.
Sometimes is it clearly theft of metal to be sold as scrap:
- When the old Victorian-style palisade fence was being replaced, sections of that old fencing were stolen by vagrants, sometimes in broad daylight!;
- The beautiful brass slipway in the Play Park's slide was stolen one evening. (It has now been replaced, but with something less classy);
- The copper pipes in the public toilet vanished years ago. (Fortunately they have been replaced with less-desireable Polycarp pipes);
- The transformers in the Soccer Club's floodlights were also stolen for scrap metal. These have been replaced with sturdy steel plates to prevent that happening again;
- The Soccer Club's steel goal posts were stolen least year! (That must surely win the prize for the largest single metal theft ever in Queens Park);
- The padlocks for the Play Park and Dog Park have been vandalised from time to time.
- The public toilets suffered this fate a couple of years ago. Now they are securely locked at night;
- The old Swimming Pool's buildings and pool were progressively vandalised over the years, even though two security guards were on the premises, 24/7.
Another issue is adults who sit on the swings in the Play Park. These tyre bucket-seats. designed to carry the weight of 14-year-olds or lighter, tear and eventually break when heavy people sit in them!
For other Queens Park issues, click here.
For Security issues, click here.