
Access into Queens Park depends on which parts of it you want to visit:

The Soccer Field has 24-hour access. The entrance gates at the top of Queens Park Avenue and The Avenue are, it appears, never locked. The sliding gate into the parking area in front of the Soccer Clubhouse is controlled by the Soccer Club members and opened when they hold soccer practices and matches.

The Play Park and Dog Park areas are enclosed by a palisade fence with lockable gates. Access to these areas is during daylight hours.

In the mornings, these areas are unlocked by energetic dog-walkers, who are there so early it has never been a real problem for others to get in later on.

The Play Park and Dog Park are locked at nightfall for obvious security reasons. This is done with both the permission of the City Council and the support of local residents.

(When the palisade fences were first erected, the intent was to provide access only during formal office hours. However, because many people only return from work at around 17h30 and would dearly like to take their dogs for a walk, an arrangement was made where a volunteer locks the area in the evening around nightfall.)