Friday, 2 January 2004

QPWEB Issues - Drugs

The drug problem in Cape Town has been well documented. The problem persists in Queens Park, though to a lesser extent than before. Many children use Queens Park and surrounding areas and they are particularly vulnerable to this scourge. Particular attention is exercised by the residents and responsible Park users to deal with this. You can help. too.

There have been cases of kids smoking dagga in various parts of Queens Park, typically at the less visible areas. That is unfortunate and should be reported. What is far less acceptable are those adults who use drugs, especially in plain sight of adolescents in or near the park. Hardly a good example to set...

Please report any cases of drugs being sold or consumed that you may see in the area. The SAP are your first telephone call. Accurate details of the seller (age, complexion, height, clothing etc.) and buyer/s, as well as when and where the event is taking place, must be timeously and discretely reported to the police.

For more on Queens Park issues, click here.