A few months after the Queens Park Dog Park had been opened, it was noticed one weekend that some rather pretty young ladies were sitting on the benches there at all hours of the day. They didn't have any dogs with them, and there was a "sweet disorder in the dress" that indicated perhaps they might be sitting there more for business than recreational purposes. (Or perhaps both, combined!).
More intriguing was the young, well-dressed Angolan gentlemen who was parked in the Car Park between the Dog Park and the High School in The Avenue. His beat-up old Chev had no numberplates or license disk, and there were a few more ladies sitting in his car while he made and took numerous calls on his smartphone. In the evenings, ladies of uncertain intent started loitering in the car park itself. It's a quiet area after dark.
Then the penny dropped. There is a narrow sunken alleyway on the northern edge of the Dog Park, behind some of the houses backing onto the Dog Park. The access gate that had been installed there when the palisade fence was put up - was unlocked. Three guesses where business was being transacted!
A call to the SAP was made, and they came to monitor the situation, but the thick-skinned Angolan continued to visit there. He was probably no stranger to controversy.
Without further ado, a solid chain and padlock were installed on that gate by a resident. Copies of the key were given to selected residents. City Council also installed a massive stone there to prevent the gate from being opened. Problem solved - the Angolan, his Chev and retinue of young ladies disappeared.
Which all goes to show how crime and degradation of our neighbourhood can be solved by a simple change to the environment. (Conversely, how by doing nothing, a tangible problem for the community could have developed...) And the alleyway acquired an interesting name!
Other issues on Prositution at Queens Park